Whitney Sanchez Whitney Sanchez

Same same, but Different different?

“Our lives intertwine in ways we often overlook.”


Since having my business, I’ve come to the realization that things may appear to be different on the outside(the external eye), but they are really the same on the inside(SPIRITUAL eye).

How do I mean, you ask??? Continue reading to find out!

Let’s just use our homes, for example(my favorite example, obviously!)…

It takes certain materials to create a foundation in order to build our homes and also to create the dream home we desire whether it’s already built or not!


Before any of this is gathered..the material part…there is an energy within a individual to create the thought/vision of the home. I’m no contractor or architect, but I do know there is process from beginning to end and it all starts with a thought! After this thought or idea, then the cement, wood, steel, etc. is gathered to mold and build this beautiful sacred space that will eventually be called someone’s home, most likely several times over.

There’s also a certain amount of TLC and maitenence we must give every home to keep it standing and functioning in great condition, sometimes good to ok will even suffice. Each home may have different requirements, but certain things like the essentials…roof, electricity and water(hopefully), food, etc. are important, and even most important a clean, harmonious home. No matter who you are, a clean and clear space always makes you feel uplifted.


Well just like our homes, we have certain things that make up this “meat suit” that we call our bodies.


Before any of those intrict and important parts were put together, “something” or “someone” had to have had an idea/ thought about us. From beginning to end. After that thought or idea; bones, organs, flesh, and many other things were molded to make us who we are today(physically). I say physically, but can you relate it to anything else in your life/experience? We have certain things we all need to do in order to have a great quality of life…even good or ok will suffice for some… These things being healthy foods such as fruits and veggies, clean water, exercise, love, play, and most importantly, some type of hygiene routine like brushing your teeth and bathing(hopefully).. Again.. no matter who you are, fresh breath and a clean body is always uplifting, even if it’s just to lounge all day!

Now where am I getting at?

Even though we may perceive for things like our homes to be different from our bodies, it’s NOT. It’s the same sacred vessel or energy center that stores and protects another sacred vessel/ energy center…YOU!…


I also like to refer to a persons home as an extension of themselves...

Look around your home… How does it make you feel and why? Is there anything that you can do to change these feelings, even if it’s picking up the clothes in that chair that’s in the corner of your bedroom?

Now look around and observe your mind… How does it make you feel? Is there anything that you can do to change these feelings, even if it’s picking one thing that you ARE grateful for?

Seeee…. Same, Same… BUT Different, Different…

Why is it when our homes aren’t clean and clear neither are we???

A question for you to really ponder on…

After pondering… we’ll have some juicy fun facts on why your emotions(energy in motion)and cleaninliness of your home relate!

Stay Tuned!

(Tings that make you go hmmm…)

On this Day of International Peace, also be mindful of that “thing” or “person” that created YOU, ME, WE… If the same thing/person created us all, then wouldn’t that make us the same, same too??? Different, different to whatever meets the eye, but same, same to whatever the eye doesn’t see…

And if we are the same, can’t we all just get along!

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Whitney Sanchez Whitney Sanchez

To clean or NOT to clean

Ever since we can remember cleaning has always been apart of our history. From ancient times in Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the Middle Ages to the Renaissance to the 18th and 19th centruies to now the Modern times.

Throughout these historical times, cleaning has been closely tied to cultural practices, technological advancements, and societal values. From rudimentary tools and methods to sophisticated appliances and eco-friendly solutions, the evolution of cleaning reflects broader changes in human civilization and technology.

We tend to minimize the imporatnce of these different practices and consider it far from sacred. I was once cleaning “unconsciously” until one day i asked myself.

What is the spiritual significance of this redundant task???

Confucius (551 – 479 BCE):

"The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home."

Ever since we can remember, cleaning has always been apart of our history. From ancient times in Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the Middle Ages to the Renaissance to the 18th and 19th centruies to now the Modern times.

Throughout these historical times, cleaning has been closely tied to cultural practices, technological advancements, and societal values. From rudimentary tools and methods to sophisticated appliances and eco-friendly solutions, the evolution of cleaning reflects broader changes in human civilization and technology.

We tend to minimize the imporatnce of these different practices and consider it far from sacred. I was once cleaning “unconsciously” until one day i asked myself.

What is the spiritual significance of this redundant task???

Continue following our blog to find out!

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Whitney Sanchez Whitney Sanchez

Why Clean?

Outer cleanliness brings inner purity. -
— Mahatma Gandhi

We’ve all grown up with the mundane task of cleaning. No matter what religion, skin color, political background, etc. We ALL have that one thing in common, there’s ALWAYS cleaning/decluttering to be done! Whether you’re doing it yourself or paying for a service. The upside is after it is all said and done, we feel lighter, we feel more at peace. But why?

We’ve always been told to keep a clean space but it was never explained to us the imprtance of and reason why we should, not only for our physical well being but most important, our spiritual well being.

We decided to create a blog to introduce to you the sacred practices of cleaning/cleansing/clearing.

What’s the difference?

TUNE IN to find out!

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